This checklist presents a quick list of what our platform can do and what it cannot do.
No. |
Feature |
Yes/No |
1 |
Is the App layout of icons, colors, fonts etc customizable? |
Yes |
2 |
Does the Profile information come from Billing companies like ABC, Jonas, etc? |
Yes |
3 |
Does the Barcode information come from the Billing Company like ABC, Jonas, etc? And do the barcode check-ins get recorded in the Billing Company? |
Yes |
4 | Can members log their personal food and exercise data on the App? | Yes |
5 |
Can Personal Trainers and Dieticians assign food and fitness plans on the App to members? |
Yes |
6 |
Can the tiles or icons on the mobile App be linked to external web pages or web apps such as Perkville, GymSales, MiCO, etc? |
Yes |
7 | Can the Calendars come from the Billing Company? | Yes |
8 |
Can members book specific equipment or space such as Reformer Beds, Ellipticals, Stairmasters, Bikes, Lanes etc? |
Yes |
9 |
Can class bookings be aligned to tiered memberships? |
Yes |
10 |
Can different areas of Booking policies be customized such as Waitlists, Booking and Cancellation windows? |
Yes |
11 |
Can instructors mark attendance to verify and report attendees? |
Yes |
12 |
Does Smart Health Clubs (SHC) provide detailed Member Booking (containing total bookings, booking times, cancellations, waitlists etc) and Attendance reports (total number of attendees, “who” marked attendance etc? |
Yes |
13 |
Can payments for classes, services, videos, and plans run through your Billing Company such as ABC, Jonas, CA, and Paramount? |
Yes |
14 |
Is the SHC platform integrated with Stripe? |
Yes |
15 |
Does SHC provide Session Balance (sessions purchased, sessions remaining and price) reports? |
Yes |
16 |
Does SHC provide Orders (payment method, price of payment, source of payment) reports? |
Yes |
17 |
Does SHC have the ability to process manual refunds? |
Yes |
18 |
Can On Demand Videos be uploaded on the SHC platform? |
Yes |
19 |
Can On Demand Video be priced and billed (monetized) by you? |
Yes |
20 |
Can Live Stream Classes be uploaded in the form of On Demand Videos on the SHC platform? |
Yes |
21 |
Can Live Stream Classes be priced and billed (monetized) by you? |
Yes |
22 |
Does SHC provide detailed On Demand and Live Stream (watch times and member details) reports? |
Yes |
23 |
Can payments for Personal Trainers or any Service Provider go through the Billing Company? |
Yes |
24 |
Can payments for Personal Trainers or Service Provider be automatically charged on a monthly basis through the Billing Company? |
No |
25 |
Do we have Guided Workouts? |
Yes |
26 |
Can Court Bookings be charged on the Billing Company, especially applicable to Tennis? |
Yes |
27 |
Can Court Payments be split equally among all players automatically, especially applicable to Tennis? |
Yes |
28 |
Can you (the club) send custom emails and Push Notifications to all members? |
Yes |
29 |
Can you create special interest groups such as a Pilates Group or Yoga group? |
Yes |
30 |
Can Trainers, Directors and Members message each other on the platform? |
Yes |
31 |
Can you (the club) prevent Trainers, Directors, and Members from messaging each other?? |
Yes |
32 |
Can only Trainers and Directors message each other excluding members? |
Yes |
32 |
Do Members have the ability to rate and review classes? |
Yes |
33 |
Do Members have the ability to appreciate (kudos) trainers? |
Yes |
34 |
Do Instructors and Trainers have the ability to showcase their photos, offerings, qualifications, certifications, and member testimonials on the platform? |
Yes |
35 |
Do Instructors have the ability to request for Substitutes and track the progress of their requests? |
Yes |
36 |
Do we have single clicks and notifications to find subs? |
Yes |
37 |
Does the Calendar get automatically updated on the Mobile App, your website, and your Web App with the new instructor’s name? |
Yes |
38 |
Does the Instructor Payroll also get updated automatically with the change in instructor? |
Yes |
39 |
Does SHC provide detailed Instructor Payroll (including total pay, average cost, cost per attendee, average cost per attendee etc) reports? |
Yes |
40 |
Does SHC have a Member Referral feature? |
Yes |
41 |
Does SHC have Member Referral reports? |
Yes |
42 |
Does SHC integrate with My Zone and Apple Health? |
Yes |
43 |
Does SHC integrate with FitBit? |
No |
44 |
Can Guests book a class? |
Yes |
45 |
Can members book classes on the Web App? |
Yes |
46 |
Do you have a point system for rewarding members? |
No |