Here are a few recommendations and best practices that you can use in order to transition your calendar events and bookings to the new app.
1. Calendar events and Bookings - It is possible that there are existing calendar events and bookings that exist on an older platform and there needs to be a smooth transition to the new platform for the members. Here is what can be done -
a. Create calendar events with bookings only until a certain date on the old platform. This way, any events past the last event on the previous platform would have to be booked/viewed on the new platform without an overlap.
For example, If your club is transitioning to the new app on the 16th of April, you can have all calendar events and bookings for your calendars listed on the old app until the 15th of April. Any events after the 15th of April can only be handled on the new platform. This will also encourage members to switch to the new platform and none of the calendar events/bookings will be repeated or overlapped.
b. Use those which have fewer bookings/calendar events while making the transition for your members so that the overall workload handled by the club is more manageable.
2. Instructor and Front Desk Transition - When moving from your existing platform to the SHC Platform, instructors may require additional training, messaging, and guidance from the club to make the switch. Here is what can be done -
a. Train instructors and front desk on different functions of the app - A lot of functions/menus may work differently/not exist on the older platform. For a smoother transition, instructors and front desk should be trained on functions such as Substitutions, Marking Attendance, Managing a Booking, Cancelling a Booking, Changing member passwords, and Troubleshooting member account creations since these would be common occurrences for frontline staff while making the switch.
3. Adequate Messaging on the Smart Health Clubs platform - Smart Health Clubs provides a number of different methods to help you relay messages to members to guide them on how to use the SHC app. Here are a few recommendations -
a. Banners and Intro Slides - Clubs can leverage the banners and Intro Slides functionality on the Web App to create eyecatching images on the Club Page of the Mobile App explaining how members can make Bookings, View department information, Load Videos, and Live Streams, Log their Food and Exercises. This way, the first piece of information that the member views will guide them through various functions of the Platform for an easier transition.
b. Posts - You can send Posts on the platform to guide members on various aspects. For Example, you can use a post to remind members to complete their profile information or refer to the Calendar.