Instructor onboarding is super important for the success of the App in your club. They also need to create attractive profiles and About Me pages on the App and use it for specific things like marking attendance for booking.
1.0 What is Instructor Onboarding and when to onboard your instructors?
Instructor onboarding implies that the instructors have:
1. Successfully logged into the SHC platform, comprising both the Mobile App and the Web App
2. Created fantastic profiles and About Me (detailed profiles)
3. Are trained on specific tasks they need to perform on the platform
Instructors, unlike members, use the Mobile App and the Web App. Members only use the Mobile App. There are several things they can do on the Mobile App and the Web App, which are described in the later part of this article.
We recommend that you onboard your instructors after the Soft Launch of your App, but before the Member Launch. This gives enough time for your instructors to explore and learn to use the platform.
2.0 How to onboard your instructors?
This is a three-step process -
- Instructor Account creation
- Profile and About Me Page creation
- Allocate the right classes to the instructor to teach (AJAY - is this important. do we need to write this)
- Train instructors on how to use the SHC platform
2.1 Instructor account creation
The instructor accounts are created by SHC using the information that clubs have provided in the forms in the Phase 1 of the Onboarding Process.
But, the next steps is to send them an invite email to log into the platform. This invite email can either be triggered by SHC at the backend, or be sent by the club. It is the club's choice whether to do it themselves or not.
If SHC triggers this invite, the text of the email that goes from SHC as an invite is as follows:
Hello (#UserName),
(#CompanyName) is launching a new App and we have created your account. Now, there are 2 parts to this App. One is the Mobile App itself and the second is the Web Web App for the App. Your Login details are as follows and they will work for BOTH!
Login id: (#UserEmail)
Password: abcd1234
To login to your account, please go to the Web App, (#WebAppUrl) on your browser and fill in your email address and password, and click on the "Sign In" button.
Once you go into the Web App and change your password, you need to do 2 things:
1. Update Your Profile. Go to Update Profile right on top of the Left Menu.
2. Build Your About Me (Bio) page. Go to Create>About Me.
In addition, you should also download, login, and explore the Mobile App as well. Your club management will let you know when and how to download the App.
If you have already logged in and taken care of these tasks, please ignore this email.
From (#CompanyName) and Smart Health ClubsAll of the instructors are given the Coach role in their respective departments.
Note: Make sure that your instructors have the right role assigned to them and the right department and right location on the Console.
After this initial account creation by SHC, clubs can also create accounts for instructors in the Web App by going to the Manage > Staff page and creating an account using the instructor email and then providing them the Coach role in specific departments and locations.
2.2 Profile and About Me Page creation
1. Update About Me pages with newer information and testimonials - Refer to this section
2.3 Training your Instructors to use the platform
SHC platform is rich in functionality but easy to use. Club staff and instructors can use both the Web App and Mobile App to do serve their clients -
2.3.1 What can instructors do on the Web App?
1. Add or create and edit classes.
2. Mark members' attendance for classes on the Console - Refer to this article
3. Create personalized Fitness Plans - Refer to this article
4. Check Attendance and Member Booking Reports for their classes (Go to Manage>Reports)
2.3.2 What can instructors do on the Mobile App?
1. Mark the attendance of members for classes.
2. Market themselves and their services.
3. Request for substitutes - This is applicable only to clubs using the Instructor Substitution and Payroll module. To understand the various abilities your instructors have related to Instructor Substitution - Refer to this article.
4. Reach out to members - Send a message to a member they are connected to
5. Lead a special interest group - Refer to this article and learn more about Feeds and Groups on the SHC Platform.
6. Manage a booking (adding/deleting members for a booking, messaging all the members in a booking). To understand the various abilities your instructors have related to booking and attendance - Refer to this article.
Note - Click here to see the different privileges that instructors have on the Web App.