This Release Note covers what is new in the WebApp/Management Console version 3.8.2
User Interface
- Multiple Terminology/Menu name changes have been made across the WebApp/Management Console for an improved User Experience.
- Multiple Menus have also been re-ordered across the WebApp into various categories for an enhanced browsing experience.
- All Pull Downs and menus on the WebApp are now Re-Ordered to be alphabetical across the platform.
- Multiple notification texts have been updated for a more clear set of notifications across users.
- A new report has been added on the WebApp > Manage > Reports section for Monthly Reports starting from April 2021.
- A new report has been added on the WebApp > Manage > Reports section called "Session Balance" where clubs that use E-Commerce can track session balances for members.
- A new search button has been added on the WebApp > Manage > Reports > Member Booking report allowing clubs to search for a member by E-Mail, Barcode, and Member Name.
- Multiple Enhancements have been made to the instructor substitution reports allowing clubs to get a more detailed report for all instructor substitutions.
- Refer to the Reports article for more information.
Booking and Attendance
- A new waitlist option has been added to the Create > Company > Booking and Attendance section that allows clubs to notify waitlisted members one by one with some time gap between each notification. This is a good compromise between confirming the first person on the waitlist and informing all waitlisted members.
- Multiple Enhancements have been made to the waitlist section of the platform for more clear messaging and context for members who are waitlisted.
- A new guest booking option has been added to the Create > Classes > Booking tab that allows members to book a table, court or cabana and bring multiple guests. This can be used for multiple applications such as Café tables, Tennis Courts, Cabanas, Kid's Zone, etc.
- A new section has also been added to the Create > Clubs > Resources section that allows clubs to create resources with multiple guest bookings in a single spot.
Note - The above-mentioned Guest booking will only be available on the Mobile App in the next release (3.9.0)
- The Create > Clubs > Resources section of the WebApp will now have the ability to Edit, Delete, Update Layout, and Set Unavailability for all resources.
- Instructors can now use the Manage > Reports > Attendance reports section to Mark Attendance for specific members of a class and also add members to a class after the fact.
Note - The Above mentioned point will be functional after 1 week. Watch this space for an update on this.
- Refer to the Booking and Attendance article for more information.
Instructor Substitution and Payroll
- Enhancements have been made to the Create > Company > Instructor Substitution and Payroll > Auto Substitution section of the WebApp.
- A new section has been created on the Create > Company > Instructor Substitution and Payroll section that allows clubs to set up customizable timings for attendance reminders that are sent to instructors.
- E-Commerce is now available for the Create > Products and the Create > Fitness plans and Create > Nutrition plans of the WebApp. Clubs can use these sections of the WebApp to sell various products available at the club as well as set their own pricing after creating Fitness and Nutrition Plans on the WebApp.
- These E-Commerce enhancements are available on the current mobile App as well, so clubs can start to sell all Services, Products and Plans
- Multiple enhancements have been made to the user interface of the E-Commerce section on the WebApp with text explanations of pricing options.
On-Demand Video
- Fixed the issue where the Auto-Deletion functionality of the On-Demand Videos was not operating correctly.
- Enhancements have been made on the Create > Upload On-Demand Videos > Manage Videos section for video limits and shared video libraries.
- The number of views displayed on the On-Demand section of the Platform has now been fixed with accurate numbers and data.
- A new section has been added on the WebApp to contact SHC Support.
- Clubs can now use the new Manage > Support section to directly file defects and create support tickets.
App Sync
- Clubs that have multiple MyZone API Keys for multiple locations can contact SHC since the platform can now sync MyZone for each location separately.
Fitness Plans
- Multiple changes have been made to the Fitness Plans section of the SHC Platform.
- The Fitness Plans section now has new types of exercises for clubs to use, create and search through.
- There have been enhancements and changes made to the Exercise Library.
- The Exercise Template on the Create > Fitness plans section has had multiple enhancements.
Note - The Above mentioned point will be functional after 1 week. Watch this space for an update on this.
- Substitute exercise groups have been made for all exercises on the WebApp.
Mobile App Customizations
- Multiple customization options have been added to the Create > Company > Mobile App Layouts section.
- Clubs can now move icons between all the main pages of the Mobile App.
- All of the Main Pages and Top App pages of the Mobile App can now be edited, deleted, and customized.
- Refer to the Customizations article for more information.
Note - The above-mentioned customizations are now available on the WebApp. However, these changes will only reflect on the Mobile App starting app version 3.9.0.